Constitution of Cardiothoracic Society of Papua New Guinea

Constitution Of Cardiothoracic Society of Papua New Guinea
(October 12, 2019)


The organization shall be known as the CARDIOTHORACIC SOCIETY OF PAPUA NEW GUINEA (CTSPNG)

Cardiothoracic Society of Papua New Guinea
P.O Box 1696
National Capital District
Papua New Guinea

Office Location:
Cardiothoracic Floor, Port Moresby General Hospital, Walter Strong Wing, level 2


The purpose for which the Cardiothoracic Society of Papua New Guinea is formed are;

2.1 Mission
(a) To maintain international health standards, ethics and ensure high quality cardiac and thoracic services in PNG
(b) To advance medical and nursing knowledge in cardiac and thoracic services through education, scientific research, scholarship and philanthropy with emphasis on aspects unique to Papua New Guinea
(c) To develop highly competent and ethical practitioners and leaders in cardiothoracic surgery and cardiology in PNG

2.2 Purpose
(a) To establish and maintain appropriate programs of continuing medical education in cardiac and thoracic services
(b) To organize and conduct scientific programs relating to cardiac and thoracic surgery at Annual Scientific meetings of CTSPNG and on such other occasions as may be decided upon from time to time
(c) To bring together all specialties in cardiology and thoracic surgery, cardiac nurses and allied cardiac workforce of Papua New Guinea and other parts of the world for discussion and demonstration of cardiac and thoracic subjects
(d) To promote and represent the professional development and interests of Cardiologists, Cardiothoracic Surgeons, Cardiothoracic Anaesthetists, Cardiac Nurses and Cardiac Allied health workers
(e) To develop, implement and improve standards of quality and safe practice of Cardiology and Cardiothoracic surgery
(f) To encourage basic and clinical research in cardiology and cardiothoracic surgery and cardiac nursing
(g) To publish a scientific Journal of Cardiac and Thoracic surgery
(h) To provide a forum for the presentation of scientific and clinical papers in cardiology and cardiothoracic surgery and cardiothoracic anaesthesia
(i) To facilitate and regulate specialist training of cardiology, cardiothoracic surgery and cardiac nursing in Papua New Guinea
(j) To advise the Council of the College of Surgeons of Papua New Guinea, the PNG Medical school, the Medical Board of Papua New Guinea and other Colleges and organizations within the country on matters relating to Cardiac and Cardiothoracic surgery, generally and on all matters in any way affecting the interests of CTSPNG in Papua New Guinea
(k) To liaise with Papua New Guinea Government departments in regards to any review or assessment of benefits or subsidies payable to CTSPNG
(l) Make a review from time to time regarding specialist practice conducive to PNG


3.1 All income and property of the Society shall be applied solely towards promotion and execution of the objectives set out in Clause 2 above. No officer or member shall receive disbursements from the Society’s funds unless it is by way of reasonable out-of-pocket expenses incurred on the Society’s behalf
3.2 The Executive Committee, or Treasurer on its behalf, shall be responsible for the administration of the Society’s funds and assets and the books of accounts of the Society. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the book keeping of the Society with respect of all sums of money received and expended by the Society
3.3 The Society shall keep its funds at an appointed bank and appoint three signatories, the signatures of any two being required on cheques and other documents.
3.4 The Annual Account’s audit shall be independently done by a registered accounting firm or individual
3.5 The Cardiothoracic Society of PNG shall apply its profits (if any) or other income in promoting its objectives


The Cardiothoracic Society of PNG shall be a member of the Surgical Society of Papua New Guinea, Papua New Guinea Nurses Association, Anaesthetic Society of Papua New Guinea and the Medical Society of PNG and have the powers to affiliate and associate with other Organizations that have compatible and mutually supportive objectives in line with the Society’s objectives within PNG and abroad.


(a) Membership of the CTSPNG shall be open to any individual with genuine interest in the Society’s objectives
(b) An annual subscription fee of K150.00 shall be payable at the time of registration to the Society and this rate is subject to change at the Society’s Annual General Meeting (AGM)
(c) The Society’s Executive Committee may withdraw membership from members whose activities are considered prejudicial to the Society. A suspended member has a right to appeal at an Annual or Extraordinary General Meeting.


A person ceases to be a member of the Society if that person;
a) Dies
b) Resigns that membership
c) Is expelled from the Society
d) Non membership subscription (Automatic exclusion)


(a) The Society shall be administered by an Executive Committee consisting of the Society’s President, the Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary and one nominated executive member of the society. A quorum shall be 3 members inclusive of the President of the Society.
(b) The Executive Committee members of the Society shall be elected every two years at the AGM. Nominations shall be submitted to the Secretary not less than 7 days before the AGM. If insufficient nominations have been received prior to the meeting, the President may accept nominations at the meeting from the floor.
(c) The Executive Committee shall have the power to co-opt additional members to fill vacancies or for some other purpose provided that the maximum number of Executive Committee members does not exceed 7
(d)Only fully financial members of the Society may vote at a general meeting
(e)The AGM shall appoint a registered individual or registered Accountant’s company to independently audit the Society’s accounts at the end of the Society’s financial year ending on November every year


An Annual General Meeting of the Society shall be held each year no later than December at a time and place determined by the Executive Committee. Notice of the AGM shall be issued to all members of the Society not less than one month in advance with details of the business Meeting
The business of the AGM shall include:
(a) A statement of the results of the ballot for Executive Committee members for the ensuring year
(b) Receipt of the Committee’s report on the activities of the Society during the preceding year
(c) Receipt of the Society’s statement of accounts for the year together with a report of the independent Auditor of the Society’s accounts
(d)Appointment of the independent Auditor of the Society’s statement of accounts for the forthcoming year
A Special General Meeting (SGM) may be convened at the request of the Executive Committee or the financial members with prior written notice issued at least one month beforehand. A quorum at such a meeting shall not be less than 50% of the membership.


The minutes of all General and Executive Committee meetings shall be kept by the Executive Committee and shall include a record of those present, all resolutions agreed to and decisions made. These minutes shall be kept in an agreed form by the Secretariate. The minutes shall be confirmed at the next meeting and signed by the Chairman of that meeting as correct. Copies shall be made available to all Committee Members.


The Constitution of the Society may be amended only at an AGM or SGM provided the appropriate notice has been given. Amendments are only valid if supported by two-thirds majority of financial members present.

(a) Matters arising at a meeting of the Executive Committee or any Sub-Committees appointed by the Executive Committee shall be determined by a majority of the votes of the members of the Committee or Sub-Committee present at the meeting
(b) Each member present at the meeting is entitled to one vote but in an event where there is an even number of voted for and against, the presiding chairman may exercise a second or casting vote.


The Executive Committee Members of the Cardiothoracic Surgical Society of Papua New Guinea Board shall comprise of the following;
• A President
• A Vise President
• A Treasurer
• A Secretary
• An Executive Board Member


The Executive Committee of the Cardiothoracic Society of PNG, subject to the Act, the Regulation and Rules to any resolutions passed by the Society in a General Meeting or a Special General Meeting;
I. Shall control and manage the affairs of the Society
II. Shall exercise all functions vested upon it by the members other than those functions that are required by these Rules to be exercised by a general meeting of members of the Society
III. Has power to perform all such things as appear to the Committee to be necessary or desirable for the proper and smooth management of the affairs of the Society

The Executive Committee may appoint not less than three people to hold property in trust for the Society


The Society may be dissolved only at an AGM or SGM, called for the purpose, by a resolution supported by three-quarters of those present. The resolution must specify the disposal of the Society’s collections and assets after debts and liabilities have been settled. This may involve their transfer to an appropriate organization or institution with objectives compatible with those of the Society.